I know I am way behind on posting but I have to post in order!!! This is going to be kinda long because I need to write about Anistyn's special day!!! It all started on a Wednesday Nov 2, 2011 it was a very busy day I was out running a whole bunch of arrons, for the past week I have been having alot of contractions and not feeling to good but what do you expect at the end of your pregnancy, so that day was the same with lots of contractions. After getting done with running all the arron's, got home and went picked up Makenna from the bus stop on my way over there I ended up peeing my pants and could figure out what just happened!! So I came home changed my cloths and took Makenna to dance. We dropped her off and Sayla and I headed to walmart to get a few things while Makenna was at dance, while I was there the same thing happened I peed my pants again not as bad but I did so we left and got back in the car and went and picked up makenna from dance went home changed by clothes again, and then like 20 mins later the same thing again, now was so frustrated I was running out of clothes, so now I was going to empty my bladder and make sure this was not going to happened again. So I go and empty my bladder and get up from the toilet when I do even more water comes out and I am having a more intense contraction and it finally hits me that water had broke. So I go and grab the phone try calling John to let him know but of course he not answering, so I text him and no answer so then I call my dad to see if he could meet me at the hospital to take the girls, and of course he said no I am coming to get you so I get in the shower and get ready, get the girls together and my dad shows up and we head to the hospital in the mean time I have been calling and calling John and he is not answering so half way there he finally answers and I let him know what is going on and he is on his way to meet me!!!
We arrive to the hospital around 6:30, My dad and mom took the girls to get something to eat and John and I went to get checked in, it took alittle while for us to get all settle in once we did it went just smooth as could be, I arrived to the hospital I was a 4 and 95% effaced, so ready to go, the nurses where great, got my IV and epideral I felt great, my heart was doing good and ready to have a baby, it was really nice because my mom and dad had the girls took them to get something to eat and then they came up and hung out with John and I, they played games and Makenna and Sayla thought it was pretty cool, Afton was there to, too help out!!!
Here are whole bunch of pics of us chillen before the birth!!!
Pics of everyone holding the baby!!!
Sweet little Anistyn!!!
I have to say that I enjoyed every minute of giving birth to Anistyn, there is nothing more special than having such perfect little girls, I am so grateful for all three of them.
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