Sunday, October 17, 2010

Jumping Jacks

The girls and I went to Jumping Jacks a couple weeks ago on a nice rainy day!! They had a great time doing something else for a change!! Jessica and her kids came to play with us. Makenna and Sayla had a blast running around Jumping on all of the stuff . Makenna and Olivia had such a great time playing together. It was nice to have Jessica and her kids there, they all have a fun such a fun time playing together!Makenna and Sayla!! Trying to get a picture of them two together!!

Makenna getting ready to head down the slide!!!
Sayla loved playing on this horse!!
Here are more pics of the girls playing!!!

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Sayla loves her Cereal!!

Every morning Sayla loves her Cereal, she does a really good job at eating it. Some times she uses a spoon then other times she uses her hands but when she gets done with having no cereal left in the bowel. She lefts her bowl and goes to town on it. Of course it spell all down her gets into her hair all over cloths but it makes me laugh!!! I think it is pretty dang cute!!
Eating her cereal!!
Now here we go!!!

She is almost done!!! She tips the bowel up and makes sure there is not one drop left in the bowel!!!
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