Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer fun!!!

Well it is finally warm and the kids are going crazy so one Sunday after noon, John and I came home from church and the kids wanted to run through the sprinklers. They went crazy, running and playing and having the best time ever!!! It is so much fun watching my little girls play together and interact with each other!! Sayla loves just to hang out and play with Makenna she copies everything she dose and Makenna is so patient with her she is by far the best big sister!!!

This what the Larsen's do every day hang out in the back yard eat Popsicles and sitting by the pool!!! I have little fishes, I can not keep both of them out of the water. Sayla is constantly soaking her cloths, diapers, babies any thing she can put in the pool!!! It is great I love summer time!!!
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Capri said...

Your girls are very cute. . . but Sayla seems to be missing something! :)