Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Idaho Falls

Over memorial weekend my cousin got married up in Idaho at the Idaho temple, so my family decided to head up there and make a little trip out of it!!! We all headed up there it was cold and rainy but it was fun!! I have driven by the falls but really have never stopped and looked at them they were beautiful. It was raining but we still got out and took pictures of them!!!
On the way up there Sayla got into a bag of Cheetos and went to town on them, then she feel asleep she was covered from head to toe is orange Cheetos it was funny we had to stop and completely change her cloths and wash her down, I love watching her suck her thumb. That night we all went swimming and of course my kids are fishes and went crazy!!! They just love the water and so dose the rest of the Rasmussen Family!!!
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