Monday, November 7, 2011

Sneak peak at Anistyn

Anistyn Joan Larsen was born Nov 2, 2011 @ 2326 she weighed 6lbs and 14 oz , she absolutely perfect, every thing went really well I just want to let every see how stinken cute she is!!! First family picture taken of the family!! Daddy and his little girls!! I love this picture!!!

Dad and Anistyn

Mom and Anistyn

Makenna was in love with her right from the start!!! She is such a little mommy!!!

Sayla loves her sister, she tells me all the time that she loves Anistyn!!

Our bundle of Joy!!

Leaving the hospital!!!

She stinken cute!!!

Three little girls hanging out together!!!

Sleeping so peaceful!!!

I love her so very much, she is the greatest joy ever!!! There well be more to come with the story little bit later!!!

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Kate said...

congrats Summer! Another beautiful girl in your family! Hope you are getting some rest and recovering well!

Lindy said...

What a beautiful baby girl!!! Congrats! I love her name. I have a niece with the same name, just spelled different. SO CUTE!!! I miss seeing you, hope all else is going well.

J and Stac said...

She is gorgeous just like her mommy! Congrats to you and your hubby, you have a darling family!

Karlee said...

Congratulations!! She is a little doll. I love her name! I can't wait to come and meet her in person. You are going to have a ton of fun with three little girls, and a lot of help from the older two as well!!! You look great Summer! I can't wait to hear more.

Jeff and Brandi said...

LOVE!!! look great girl! Can't wait to meet her in person and get my Summer fix. Love you!

Anonymous said...

She is gorgeous, but wouldnt expect anything else from you guys. Hope your doing okay. Congrats!!

The Dahle's said...

She is beautiful! Congrats! I am so jealous of how great you look! You look golden bronzed and glowing!