Friday, March 4, 2011


Well Makenna turned five and I can not believe I have a five year old now she well be going to kindergarten this year which is crazy. Makenna is full of life, she is such a good little girls. I don't know where to start with Makenna, Well first I am going to start with school, Makenna is in her second year of preschool and just loves it see loves to learn, Makenna practice writing her name, reading she is trying so hard to read, we read every night to the girls and Makenna well not go to bed at night with out us reading to her.

Makenna use to say when I grow up I am going to be a farmer because I love animal, well it has changed to a Artist, she loves to paint and color, make crafts, she is pretty dang good at it too. She well paint the neatest picture. If you ask her what she is going to be when she grows up she says a Artis and a farmer!!!

Makenna loves her Animal, she loves puff ball which is our cat she is not aloud in the house but at times I find in the house with Makenna dressing it up and making it be her baby , pushing it in the stroller.

Makenna is the best big sister she loves her baby sister Sayla she is so patient with her, I love to watch her talk to her and try to reason with her, it is pretty funny, Makenna it always helpful with her.

Makenna had a couple favorite people in her life I think the number one person it her Aunt Affy she loves her so much she always want to hang out with her and the second person she loves is her Grandma Tammy, Makenna gets to have a sleep over every week at grandma Tammy's. They have there special things they do together, Makenna loves to cook with her, make crafts.

Makenna is alittle pit of a pack rat I have to DE junk her stuff weekly, it is so funny makenna well hang on to something for ever.

I catch Makenne getting into my makeup alot she loves to put lipstick on and Eye shadow.

Makenna is a very busy girl, she has dancing which she loves to death, I well put some music on and turn around and she well be dancing, she loves to dance, she loves to watch dancing movies.

This was Makenna's first year is gymnastics and she is enjoying it so much she just moved up in a level and is always doing cartwheels around the house.

Makenna loves to watch Mama Mia and Hairspray and Cats, she is a Broadway girls.

I have to say that she a such a snuggle, she still gets a close and she can and then goes to sleep.

Makenna loves to do about anything, she is loves to go swimming she is such a fish, she ask me daily about going to seven peaks!!! Which right now it is way to cold.

We are such lucky parents to have such a wonderful little girl, Makenna is growing up so fast and some times it is so hard but I am looking forward to see what happened in the next couple years!!!