Friday, January 21, 2011

Fun time with the cousins!!!

John's brother Dustin and his family came in to visit after Christmas, the girls just love to hang out and play with there cousins!!!
One day they all came over and played at our house at the end of play time we took a quick picture of the kiddos together!!! It is so funny to look at all of there faces!!! They are all so stinken cute!!!
One of the days we met all of them at the local bowling ally and we all bowled. Makenna went bowling when she was really little but it had been a really long time, Makenna loved it she was having so much fun!!! She was pretty dang good at it!! This is Grandma Paula and her Grand kids Bowling!!!
Grandma Paula and Makenna bowling!!! Makenna loved her bright green bowling ball!!!

Here are lots of pics of all the kids bowling and playing and having tons of fun together!!!!
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