Friday, July 16, 2010

Makenna is officially riding her bike!!!

Look at her go!!!

She is cruising!!!!
Well let just say I as way happy for Makenna but at the same time wanted to cry!! Yes she is growing up way to fast for the other day Makenna loves to ride her bike with her friend Eden up the street but with training wheels on she can not keep up so she asked her dad to take them off and of course he did well lets just say it wasn't the next day she said mom I want to try to ride my bike and sure enough she took off and now that is all she wants to do!!! She is getting pretty dang good at it we go for walks now and she just peddles all over the neighborhood!!


Anonymous said...

Its crazy how stuff like that can make you realize how fast they grow up. By the way I LOVE LOVE LVOE your hair cut. You look gorgeous!