Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Darling Christmas Party

My little girls were dressed up so cute for the Christmas party, I had to take a couple pics of them before the party started. When we arrived every one went crazy over Saysay wanting to hold her and play with her, Makenna was so excited to be with all of her cousins.
This year the Darling Family Christmas Party was a lot of fun. We all brought one of our favorite finger foods to share, we brought barbeque weenies which were way good. We ate lots of food, then we did the manger scene with all the kids dressing up as different parts. Makenna was the angel, SaySay was baby Jesus and John was Joseph. SaySay was so funny, she kept stretching out flat and then rolling off the foot stool. The kids did great, we all laughed and had so much fun. We then opened Christmas presents from Grandma Paula. The kids loved their presents and had a great time!
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