Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sayla is 10 months old!!!

Well I can not believe that my little chunky monk is 10 months old. She is growing up so fast, she is becoming to be a wild thing always wanting to get down and move around every where. Yes she is finally crawling and getting into everything, she pulls here self up to about everything and is walking along furniture, she is starting to talk more, still loves her mom and her big sister a ton. She is learning the word NO so when I say it she looks at me and then thinks about it and then debates if she is going to mind or not. Some times she well shake her head no back to me, it is pretty dang cute. She is still a great little baby. She is so easy going I can pretty mush do any thing with her.
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Anonymous said...

Those pictures are amazing. Your kids are so dang cute. It was so much fun to see you guys yesterday. By the way you looked super hot in your cheer outfit!!

Adrie said...

Summer she is so adorable and so fat, I love it and want to squeeze her! I love her red hair!!!

Brandie said...

Holy cow they are getting so big and cute. Miss seeing you around. Hectic as always!

Mary said...

Summer...She is just the cutest little baby ever! We had so much fun out in Utah and the kids loved every minute they spent down at your Mom's house. Abby blogged about it on her class website...she wrote all about Juper and Jasper! Thanks so much for making it such a fun vacation...and man, we sure can make some sweet applesauce!!!! It tastes awesome! We love you guys! Talk to you soon!

Megan said...

She is so adorable.. I want to squeeze her!