Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Lake Powell

Makenna loved lake powell, she loved the water.

The guys all play a game of the top of the house boat catching a foot ball. This time John missed the foot ball but I thought it was a good picture.
Makenna loving her posicle that her Grandpa bought her.
We love to go to Hals bay and get ice cream and root beer floats, Makenna went crazy over the root beer float.
This is wear makenna spent most of her time in the water swimming around.
Hunter and Makenna having way to much fun.
Makenna in the sand, she was tired of me taking pictures.
Mom and Makenna having fun in lake Powell
Afton and Chance and Makenna in Lake Powell riding on the boat.
Makenna loves to brush hair, her she is brushing her aunt Aftons hair.
ummer and Afton and Chance on the tube behind the boat.
Makenna playing in the water
This is worn out little girl, she had way to much fun, we are home now and she keeps telling me, mom we go back to Lake Powell please. This year was alot of fun, we enjoyed going with the Bennett family, and having a great time.


Katie L. said...

How fun! We missed you at Bear Lake but it looked like the water was much warmer down there! She is such a doll!

We do because we Mexi-Can! said...

Wow, that looks like a great time! I have only been to Lake Powell a few times, and I love it. It's something we definately want to do more often. Makenna is so cute!! And that looks like a blast jumping to catch the football--I would have been in on that action for sure! =)

TiffanyHarrison said...

I love Lake Powell!! It looks like you had a great time!! Such cute pics!!:^)

Christensen Family said...

FUN! I always wondered how it would be to take toddlers to Powell. I think I would just stress all the time about them falling in the water and about them having their life jackets on. Was it stressful or could you totally enjoy it?

Beck said...

Cute pictures!! Im so glad that you guys could come. Hopefully you can come next time to.
Love ya girl.

Michelle said...

What great pictures! Brad and I keep saying we need to make a friends' trip down to Lake Powell soon... it's probably too late for this summer, but let's seriously make plans for next!!

Adrie said...

Looks like you had a fun trip! It was fun to find you on this thing. You need to email me your email address so we can be blogging friends!

J and Stac said...

FUN! That just makes me more excited, we are going to Powell this weekend! Looks like you had a ball! Makenna is so stinkin cute!

tjandash said...

Summer-I saw that you cut your hair and I just about died! I have always been jealous of your long thick hair-but very cute short. Your family is darling.

The Wright Fam said...

I Miss you!!!! I just have to tell you how fun it was to talk to you the other day!! I seriously miss just having you down the road! I am so excited for you guys, it sounds like you guys are having a blast!!! Anyway, I love ya girl, and we must catch up more soon!

The O'Briens said...

Hey! This is Stephanie O'Brien (formerly McConnell). It looks like things are great and you're finding time to have some fun in the midst of studying for the bar (or,as I like to call it, my own personal hell). Leah came down this weekend and said she saw you guys so I thought I would blog stalk you and say hi. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Lake Powell looks like a blast! It's been years since I went there. The last time I went was with Michelle Reece family. I need to go back!