Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Playing house with kittens!!!

All I can say is that It is so funny watching Sayla play house with the kittens, she is alittle rough but the kittens are so good they just take it!!! She just puts them in the stroller and raps them up in blankets, place diapers on them every thing she is such a little mother it make us laugh so hard!!! The best is she watches Makenna and then copy cats what ever she is doing!!

Makenna is great with the baby kitties, she is quite the animal lover. She helps Sayla with the kittens, she yells mom sayla caring them by the tail and I come running in to save the poor kitty. The best is this is a every day occurrence in the Larsen home!!! Makenna is such a great sister she helps Sayla out so much!!
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